Enter Candace. She has been practicing yoga for more years than I care to state (for her sake) and is so experienced, that she can even save herself from a dance floor fall with a yoga move and STILL look fabulous (in a formal gown, no less...). As she begins to embark on the next avenue of her life, she has decided to start her own establishment of yoga instruction- teaching fellow yogis and yoginis about the practice of yoga to help enrich their lives as it has hers. These business cards are just a small way for me and Gable to help her in those dreams.
"Cougar Yoga is learning to love yourself and trust your power through the practice of yoga. Cougars take a leap of faith and by doing so find themselves flying towards their dreams." For questions and availability of classes/instruction, eMail Candace at Cougar-Yoga@live.com.
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