It's no surprise how much I love all of my boys: Husband, Tucker & Atticus, but only one of my three loves will actually sleep in the studio with me while I print.

Atticus (who I lovingly refer to as Little-A; it's like calling Yao Ming, 'Tiny') loves to print with me and Gable. Tucker goes off in search of more peaceful grounds, and the Husband is wrapped up in his car projects while not working at his big-boy-job. With the recent remodel of the studio, the new bamboo floors have taken a beating from his shovel sized paws and nails the size of carrotts so I've been searching around for items to make his stay more...comfortable...and my floors in less dire need of replacement in just 1 years time.(please excuse the costume-- I was an eskimo and my husband was a penguin... he has no photos...just me...looking like an idiot).

Anyway-- I've been looking everywhere for cute 'dog where' and went to the ever popular Etsy to help me out. Check out this dog bed from
BowWowBeds, for $49 (A STEAL), I can have an xxl dog bed custom made AND monogrammed. Sold. AND it has a picture of dane just like Little-A!

And look at these
adorable collars I found! Little-A is about to become the classiest print compadre this side of crazy...
Lets hope this saves the studio!!!
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