Atticus, Gable, and I bid you all good weekend! We'll be doing some SERIOUS design work all weekend (as well as printing 2 absolutely beautiful invitation suites that I am dying to show you all--I promise to learn how to take decent pics. Oscar, the new camera, is getting angry with me for not properly setting up my photographs...) and finishing the studio after the painting and remodeling this past week. Next weekend is the first official vacation for the family this year and we can't go without finishing up all this work! Who are we kidding, I'll still be working... it's what blackberries were designed for, right?
In other news: We are welcoming a new bundle of joy to the studio! I can't wait to show you pics of Gable's new roommate (whos name is to be determined-any ideas? Send them over!). Oh, would you like to meet the new addition? A quick phone-pic from the seller-it's an antique paper cutter! We pick him up on Sunday- can't wait to take more pics!

I think it's safe to assume at this point that
Blush Design Studio is here to stay. We have 1ton of machinery that say so...
Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!
Cute puppy pic! Liz, you are going to LOVE..... that cutter!! It is actually pretty!!
I can't WAIT to get it to the studio... at 500lbs, it's no joke! We need to get the blade sharpened, but it should be all set for some cuts soon! No one seems to know what it is on Briarpress, which makes it even more perfect to me. :) VERY excited to play with it! Do you work with these in your studio? Would love some pointers!
Yes, the one I work with isn't pretty though. Keep some scrap around and make a "pad" of several sheets of paper at the bottom, or you may have to hand trim the corners of the last few you cut. Also make a pad at the top so the clamps don't press your paper. Tighten everything really well so they don't move - I have tried to be lazy and not tighten the width adjustment, let's just say the extra 7 seconds is WELL spent!! Oh and lastly let them dry for a bit first so they don't smudge the other papers and make SURE they are all facign the same way... I had a job where I thought I did that and I guess I didn't..... grr.....
Hmmm I think the new addition should be a lady friend for Gable. Gable makes me think of Gone with the Wind, so how about some Southern Belle names? Georgia, Camellia, Verna, Merrie, Hattie? :-)
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