... You'll notice that there is no update on our beautiful new cutter, Savannah; it will come, I promise. In the meantime, I want to dedicate this post to our loving little boy, Tucker, who I introduced you all to a few weeks back as our Boxer baby. He doesn't like to stay in the studio with me {it's much too noisy with the machinery running for his sensitive little ears}, but he's always apart of me. He and Atticus are 'velcro' dogs-- they are stuck with me wherever I go. After a few hours full of printing, I often need a glass of water... sure enough, the both of them follow... the whole 10 feet to the kitchen is twice as hard with two giant dogs at my hip, but I love it anyway. Makes me feel special.
Tucker-bean has not been himself these past 6 or so weeks, and gradually stopped using his right hind leg which now, at this point, is atrophied beyond repair. Thinking that was the worst of our problems (maybe real bad athritis or something...), we took him into the vet yesterday morning for an xRay of his hind quarters and the results were really not good. I don't know the specifics of anything here {in advance of reading this, know that I was far too emotional on the phone with the vet to hardly understand the 'technical terms' she was using...}, but it turns out that Mr. Tucker-bean has a bone-tumor quickly growing in his right knee. It's not something thats curable, and is likely to have spread to his chest bones/other parts of his nearby bones. It's operable-- if you consider taking his leg entirely away and relying on chemo for the rest of his 4-6months 'operable.'
So readers, it's with great sadness that I bring up this post to you, but I want each and every one of you to know that this week has been difficult and I will be focusing on my family (dogs included) for a few more days here. With the exception of one order (THANK YOU for understanding, Renee!), I am all finished up for this week/weekend, and will begin business-as-usual after this weekend. Tucker bean will remain on a strict treatment plan of 'fat & happy' as per the decision of me and my husband until further decisions need to be made. He's pretty excited to be back home anyway-- no matter what his face says when Atticus romps into the room. I'll leave you with a few memorable pics that I'll remind Mr. Tuckerbean of next time he's getting agitated and grumpy. I'll keep you all updated!
... In the meantime, sorry for the sadness overload, and I hope that you all have a WONDERFUL weekend-- remember, hug your pets, it's an order.
Liz, I'm sorry to hear about Tucker (and your cruddy week). Andrew grew up with boxers, so of all dogs, they hold a special place in our hearts.
Good luck with everything and have a great weekend focusing on your family.
Hi Liz,
I always love checking your blog out, I love how you describe things and it always puts a smile on my face. I am SO sorry to hear about Tucker. I lost my beloved Rottie to a bone tumor that spread and it is so hard, I know. I just hope that it is obvious to you when to make that hard decision. I think that is the worst part about being a part of a pets life. You love the little (or BIG) things with all of your heart and then you are the one who has a say in when it ends. I hope the rest of his days are happy and comfortable with you and that Atticus does okay too. :(
Liz, I'm so sorry about Tucker, that's incredibly heartbreaking. My aunt went through the same thing with her boxer 2 months ago, I can't even imagine how painful it must be. Hang in there, stay strong, and let me know if there's anything I can do.
Thank you ALL for your beautiful comments!! I can't tell you how happy it makes us. :)
Little Tucker is doing well-- I think thourouly enjoying us carrying him up/down stairs and the enormous bits of steak for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner-- Atticus gets to enjoy it too. ha.
Thank you all again!!
Lizzie -
Just stopped by the blog to see this news - I'm so sorry about Tuck. I know how hard this must be for you - I'm just a phone call away (and 20 minutes down the street) if you need anything.
Love you!
I came upon your blog via Jessica of Fort & Field, who is my best friend. I just had to keep reading when I saw the adorable picture of your Boxer, Tucker, and I am so sorry to hear of his tumor! :( It brought tears to my eyes, because I also have a deep love for Boxers, and have 3 myself, one who is injured. I know it takes a lot of care, and it's just heartbreaking to see them hurt. Hang in there girl, it sounds like Tucker really has a wonderful home. ~ Kate
ps... I love your packaging too
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