It's January 10th, and I'm just coming up from water to say hello to you, oh glorious 2011. How YOU doin'?
Here on the Blush front, we're doing just fine, perpetually slammed against the 4 walls of the studio to get orders out just in time for their fabulous owners to celebrate weddings, births, parties, or just plain, 'hellos'. It's hard to believe that in just 12 months time, I've come so far.
I mean...
1) I learned how to letterpress print. Seriously, yall. I did. I knew the basics going into this {and before accepting anyone's hard earned money!}, but I never knew there were so many tricks, special moves, or techniques to try out.
2) I learned how to bank- like at an actual institution.
3) I learned how to ask for help- thanks Tax Lady Sheryl!
4) I learned that no matter HOW busy I am printing 5 orders in 1 weekend, I need to sit back, relax, and make sure to double/triple/quadruple check my sanity before going forward. It's in the best interest of us all, I promise.
It's taken me until the 10th of January to put together my 'list' of things I want to accomplish in 2011-- and some of them are hidden secrets that I want to reveal later in the year, but heres my go at the top 8 most important goals for me {both personally and professionally}:
1) Learn to sit back and relax, for at least 30 min a day. {It's going to be hard}
2) Love more. Take Atticus for a longer walk, or find a new recipe to cook for dinner one night.
3) Cook more. Maybe I can finally learn how not to burn things?
4) Give yoga a better try, at least twice a week.
5) Proof READ!
6) Read more.
7) To save more pennies for a new home.
8) To answer eMails in 24 hours {this one will be hard too...}
Here's to 2011! I have a TON TON TON of goodies to show you all as a roundup from 2010. You know how slow I am about posting new stationery pics. :) Bear with me... it's my unofficial #9 goal.
1 comment:
Welcome back! :D
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