Since moving into our new home in Suwanee, GA- just north of Atlanta- I've had a whole new kick of home renovations and decorating. It's probably because we moved from Boston, MA when I was 8mo pregnant {a little more about that here...} and I never got to officially nest for the birth of our little lady, Bells. That, and the house we bought had a serious issue with yellow-y based tan colors, brass everything, and... I don't know if I can even say this without gagging... the most disgusting carpet you'll find on the planet. All the photos will come in due time my little kiddies.

Defining my office space has been super challenging. I have to spend a lot of time in it with my new role at my big girl job and after-hours when I'm designing or wrapping up print orders. My number one goal with the space is to make it comfortable and inviting so that I'll want to work in there, play with baby girl when she's home with me, and generally not feel like I want to unlock my top story windows and dolphin dive right out of them. Trust me, looking at a bare and uninspired wall for 9+ hours of the day will plant crazy bugs in your brain. And I hate bugs. I pay out the nose every quarter to have a bug guy spray EVERYTHING in his path around our home. I wish I were kidding...
I've put together a little inspiration board of what I love... I hope to have photos soon! What do you guys think... can I pull it off?

1. Ikea Expedit, 2. safari grey wool rug, 3.Celestial Map, ebay, 4. Sea Urchin Lamp, 5. round storage basket, 6. Chalk Board wall, diy, 7.oil-bronzed pendant lamp, 8. Knodd bin with lid, 9. Watercolor jellyfish, 10. Trestle desk
Love this, Liz! I'm looking at the same rug and a similar desk for my office redesign too - except the desk I'm stalking has a glass top. Do I want to look at my legs and cats staring up at me from the floor? On the fence. I hear you on expensive wallpaper - I'm obsessed with a wallpaper at Anthropologie right now which is $192 a ROLL. Um, not happening... but I can dream!
What a great office redesign! Very fresh and modern and very YOU. I can't wait to see pictures!
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